If You Murdered A Bunch Of People, Mass Murder Is Your Single Defining Legacy — Caitlin Johnstone

Thought experiment:Think of an acquaintance of yours. Not someone you’re particularly close to, just some guy in the cast of extras from the scenery of your life. Now, imagine learning that that guy is a serial murderer, who has been prowling the streets for years stabbing people to death. Imagine he goes his whole life…

via If You Murdered A Bunch Of People, Mass Murder Is Your Single Defining Legacy — Caitlin Johnstone

Author: KenshoHomestead

Creatively working toward self-sufficiency on the land.

4 thoughts on “If You Murdered A Bunch Of People, Mass Murder Is Your Single Defining Legacy — Caitlin Johnstone”

  1. When you really think about our government it’s no more than an organized crime syndicate only worse, because they make the laws and but don’t have to follow the laws make.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That was supposed to say: When you really think about our government it’s no more than an organized crime syndicate only worse, because they make the laws but don’t have to follow the laws they make.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Speaking of pure evil, I knew something was very wrong with the former CIA director was selected, not elected to the presidency. The Bush family is pure evil.

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