The Truth Will Set You Free?

Nonsense.  So many of these old adages should be read as the exact opposite. 

The Truth will burden you mercilessly.  It will chain you down.  It will promise to crush you.

That’s why most folks can’t handle the truth, don’t seek it out even momentarily, and change the subject if you try to broach it, even when it’s coated in marzipan.

But it rarely comes candy-coated.

If you’re an animal lover it will come in the form of a video clip from Siberia of a mink being skinned alive and shrieking in tones that will haunt you for a lifetime.

If children are your greatest weakness it will come in the form of the decades of elite pedophiles and abusers regularly affronting you in the news, with nothing of consequence ever being done about it.

If nature is your refuge you will see, over and over, images of its destruction, forests burning, waters poisoned, skies sprayed with toxins, atmosphere altered in horrid alien ways.

If you are a foodie, an aesthetic, a lover of beauty, a Dionysian even, you will watch it all destroyed to make way for concrete and cardboard, and synthetic, tasteless, lifeless, gaudy goo.

If you’ve been cursed with the trait called ‘sensitivity’ you’ll be harpooned with each of these in turn, flashing in neon, at all hours of the day and night.

The truth is, you can’t handle the truth. 

I can’t handle the truth.

I work at it, constantly. 

It promises to break me, daily.

One aligns with Truth, not because it will set you free, but because it conquers all.


Author: KenshoHomestead

Creatively working toward self-sufficiency on the land.

5 thoughts on “The Truth Will Set You Free?”

  1. once the door is opened…the hunt for the truth and unwillingness to accept anything else…it can never be closed again and it sets you apart from everyone including family and friends..Your never the same again. i would take that door willingly just as you have!


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