Cult of Personality

I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it! I know, I know, I know . . .

We’re being systematically expunged of an addiction in this country and we have our new Joe to thank for that.

No, I’m not talking about the conspiracy theory agenda. I don’t care if the elections were rigged (because they’ve always been rigged). I don’t care that the Orange man lost (sorry to my better half). I don’t care which candidate is supported by which secret society (all due respect).

What excites me is, the cult of personality is clearly over, thank the heavens! I feel there must’ve been a higher power involved and I’m humbled and nearly speechless as I recognize and bow to these celestial efforts which have clearly intervened to remedy the ignorance of man.

We are perpetual victims of this cult of personality, as history has proven again and again. We fall for tyrants who say they care. We fall for sweet talking liars, those with big talent or big promises because they look like JFK or talk like MLK or strut like John Wayne or entertain like Elvis. Of course we’ve got some chick versions in there too and if I were a dude perhaps I’d remember some of their names.

But, that’s beside the point, because I’m here now to exclaim the obvious end of the cult of personality, thanks to Joe!

I’m hesitant sometimes to chirp about silver linings, because it’s so cliche. This, however, is a supreme exception!

The cult of personality has been quashed and as far as presidents go, it appears Trump will be the last to hold that already flimsy spot on the public stage.

Thanks, Joe, for being so, well, Joe.

I hope I’m not alone in welcoming this automaton-looking mannequin to the Whitehouse. Let everyone learn the term ‘duping delight’ from his plastic smile. Let everyone notice his non-personality IS precisely his entire personality. Let everyone bow in a very non-cultish way to his distinct skill at dissolving logic and disintegrating into a heap of silly putty seemingly on cue.

I am not being completely facetious in stating unequivocally that as surely as we’ve been duped by the cult of personality in this country for a very long time, perhaps forever, that is clearly not the case now.

I do believe it’s a sign we’re growing up!

Author: KenshoHomestead

Creatively working toward self-sufficiency on the land.

9 thoughts on “Cult of Personality”

            1. I suspect it goes like natural law, or the fictionalized ‘survival of the fittest’ Hunger Games, if we allow it. How long will the disempowered continue to take care of the weaker, before they (we) redirect our efforts to circle the wagons and leave the weakest links to fend for themselves. Law of the jungle.

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