Virology’s Death March

It couldn’t make me happier to see that the pseudoscience of virology is on its way out! I don’t need a Utopia to be happy, I just need to know the bullshit sciences are going down, kicking and screaming of course, as useless as that will soon prove.

The top 3 on my Shit-Sciences list: virology, nutrition and climate — all pseudosciences full of con artists passing themselves off as scientists while getting public approval, respect and major funding as real science—with detrimental effects on life.

So, I just have to share the latest, copied entirely from DPL’s Newsletter on Substack. For the full-article with all links, comments, formatting and memes, read it directly here, this copied version is incomplete, meant for your quick perusal.

Hacking At the Root of the Virus Issue

Starting out on the No Virus topic, I was introduced to the isolation issue. Cowan mentioned that the 1954 Enders paper showed a failed control and I searched for this paper to confirm it for myself. At the back of the paper under “Other agents isolated during the study” Enders discussed the failed control and this was enough to know that virology was dead (refer to an earlier article here). The below meme was born from this knowledge.

A further two years of study and I was confident enough to start chasing down the Mutton co trolls and the 77th brigade on Twitter. I joined some sharp peeps and a team of people are now confronting these twitter sewer dwellers on a daily basis. One thread has been ongoing since 10 March this year, believe it or not! You can have a look at that thread here.

For the longest time my focus was on the isolation process because this seemed to be the best angle to take down virology seeing as this same method is still being used today with some small changes in the process. Being new to the subject I did not really question this angle because the entire movement was talking about the isolation issue.

However, the most fundamental assumption of virology is that a viral agent can be transmitted by means of natural pathways for a sick person to make a healthy person sick. If there is no proof to support this assumption, then virology is well and truly dead. The meme obviously had to be updated as seen below.

Latest Update

The idea of hacking away at transmission was recently given a very good update with two presentations by Cowan.
The true issue of where the idea or theory of virology comes from was well divined in a presentation discussing Inductive vs Inventive theories (the full length presentation can be seen here).


Every single transmission study that we have reviewed has shown that transmission has never been successfully demonstrated. Most of these studies include the injection of ground-up spinal fluid into the brains and lungs of animals and the remaining studies are observational, where there is little to no control over a large number of variables that can influence the results.
The virus pushers hate addressing this point because it cannot be addressed with the current body of peer reviewed publications.

I hope you’ll pay him a visit on his Substack, he’s got a small team there and they’re doing some great work!

Author: KenshoHomestead

Creatively working toward self-sufficiency on the land.

9 thoughts on “Virology’s Death March”

  1. thanks for the article. i agree with your view on science. they are paid hacks….the only thing they ‘discover’ is the wealth in their bank account and what they have to do or what lie to tell to make more of it. The ultimate whores. sold their souls and do their best to destroy the lives and souls of others for a profit. it matters not what profession scientists claim to be working for they create ideas and falsehoods for whoever pays them. doesn’t matter which area they are working in. they are paid liars.

    there has not been one illness cured by doctors, by science for 75 years! that is inconvenient fact. they sell treatments. not cures. no money to made in a corporate model of good health. everything they sell is a snake oil. hawking their wares to an unsuspecting population. and getting state sanctioning and approval for their lies and their destruction.

    government replaced the mob and snake oil salesmen replaced ‘science’. or like frankenstein and his monster science that is all that exists today. believe them to your peril.

    be your own doctor….as it once was…so it should be again! that is my 2 cents.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. i never left my dear kensho…i check two blogs…dispatches and yours daily! your my only ‘go to’ place. all other news i pretty much ignore as propaganda or hyped fear porn distractions. whichever label applies. mostly though you say everything i would say….i just say to myself…yes!! that is exactly it…hit the ball out of the park again kensho….well done!! i only give my 2 cents when i can’t help it!! hahaha…my head will explode if i don’t…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. the usual…either flood or famine…right now is famine. no rain in a month. what little rain we do get is a black toxic goo. it coats the apples with black paint like splotches. what few we have. every branch that gets hit with it turns completely black and the leaves and branch die on the tree. the leaves will be soft and black. like a contact killer.

        right now…we are in the false fall….chemically induced…the only rain we get is just enough to turn the leaves yellow, brown and black. people think it is fall leaves…it isn’t….it is killer like dane wigington says…he mentioned that a few times. one tree lost all its leaves in a flash! they fell off the tree dark brown and soft….every leaf!

        the rain kills instead of nourishing. we need rain but i dread it as well. i have to cut branches off trees in my fruit orchard after every rain.

        i heard mr gates from hell wants to cut down every tree! 70 million or more trees and bury them…insane monster to even think of doing that. .no bees, no bugs, no home for birds or squirrels. no home for wood peckers. no oxygen are just a few of the many direct effects of such an insane plan. that is end game….stopping all life! and they find willing hands to help in any insane plan they can come up with. pilots willing to fly and spray the world….and i am sure they will find wood cutters will to wipe out all trees if they can….more distraction news there but they like to float little balloons and see where it gets them.

        the evil in the world isn’t carried out by the bill gates of the world…it is carried by those willing to do what he says for a handful of wood pulp with numbers on it…green backs. he is evil no doubt but worse are those willing to obey! willing to put their plans into action for them. the order followers are the ones to destroy the world! and themselves with it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sorry to hear it, but I know so well, and well said! An absolute train-wreck of a culture is what we have. They fret about the collapse of civilization as if that’s what we have here! Folks so desperate to save their Walmarts and IKEA’s, just amazing. Adults with about as much foresight as horny teenagers. 😆

          We’ve just got our first rain after nearly 3 months. We have almost no fruit this year at all—berries, figs, pears—hardly a gallon each, and that’s it. And I’d be willing to bet we go from 90s to frost in a flash.

          Thanks for keeping us posted, always good to hear your news, even though it’s rarely good news.


      1. It really is hard to rewire your brain. I really want to understand more of this since especially this year my kids seem to be getting sick more. I know we are being poisoned by the weather overlords to some extent, too.


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