The Window

The saying goes that where God closes the door, he opens the window.  I used to think that expression was dumb.  But then, I used to think God was just a dumb word invented by dumb folk.

Now I understand God a bit better and that expression seems apropos.  Surely in these months of our Scamdemic we’ve seen a lot of closed doors.  We could point at them all day, and I get the appeal of that, really.

Or, we could search for the windows.  They are there, no doubt, dumb expression or not.

There are ones out there opening the windows, trying to make them easier for others to find them.  I really believe that.  Even if you told me with 100% scientific evidence that no one is out there trying to open any windows, maybe even because there aren’t any windows to open, I’d insist your science was wrong. 

That means my belief is more powerful to me than anyone else’s science.  Funniest thing about that is, it also means, if you can’t reason me out of it, you can’t shame me out of it either.

And that’s a window right there.  Here’s another one:



Masks Are Not Science

Masks are politics.  They do absolutely nothing to save you, them, or anyone from germs.  If you are wearing a mask because you think it makes you ‘safe’ from the Cooties, you’re suffering from ignorance.

If you’re wearing a mask because you think it makes others ‘safe’ who may be immune-compromised from your potential Cooties, you’re suffering from malignant altruism, plus ignorance.

I’m no scientist, not by a long shot, but logic occasionally crosses my path.  As through a swamp, I wade through information that seems logical and credible yet totally contradictory to what I hear from so many incessantly talking heads.

Here’s one such crossing, not sure exactly what to make of it, but it seems relevant to the current plandemic according to my spidey-sense.

To me it suggests inhaling your own virus-infected breath is likely more dangerous than ’catching’ another’s germs, which would provoke your own natural immune response, and vice versa.  But, I’m so royally retarded, I’m sure I got that interpretation all wrong.


James G. Bedford, Giuseppe Infusini, Laura F. Dagley, Fernando Villalon-Letelier, Ming Z. M. Zheng, Vicki Bennett-Wood, Patrick C. Reading, Linda M. Wakim, Airway Exosomes Released During Influenza Virus Infection Serve as a Key Component of the Antiviral Innate Immune Response, Frontiers in Immunology, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00887, 11, (2020). Crossref

Airway Exosomes From Influenza Virus Infected Mice Evoke Pulmonary Inflammation

We tested the capacity of exosomes recovered from the BALf of influenza virus-infected mice to trigger pulmonary inflammation. To this end, we intranasally transferred into the airways of naïve mice an equal amount of exosomes recovered from the BALf of either naïve mice, mice infected 2 days prior with influenza virus, or mice given an inflammatory agent (poly I:C). Four days following exosome delivery we assessed the level of inflammation by measuring cytokine levels in the BALf and immune cell infiltration into the lung tissue. As a positive control for pulmonary inflammation, we also included a cohort of mice directly infected with influenza virus. The delivery of exosomes recovered from the airways of influenza virus-infected mice resulted in the production of IL-6, MCP-1 and TNF, which was a very similar inflammatory profile to that observed following direct infection with influenza virus (Figures 2A–C). Widening our analysis to include assessment of a more extensive panel of inflammatory cytokines revealed that exosomes recovered from the airways of influenza virus-infected mice also resulted in the production of both type I and type II interferon (Supplementary Figure 3). In contrast, the intranasal delivery of exosomes recovered from naïve or poly I:C treated mice did not evoke the release of any cytokines (Figures 2A–C), implying that the PAMPs or potential DAMPs loaded into the exosomes generated during virus infection were essential to trigger inflammation. Exosomes derived from influenza virus infected mice did contain viral RNA which may serve as the PAMP triggering the observed inflammatory response (Supplementary Figure 4). Consistent with the capacity to trigger the release of inflammatory cytokines, the intranasal delivery of exosomes recovered from the BALf of influenza virus-infected mice, but not naïve mice also resulted in the recruitment of neutrophils while the number of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells remained stable irrespective of the treatment (Figures 2D–F). Thus, exosomes released into the airways during an influenza virus infection are inflammatory, causing the release of cytokines/chemokines and resulting in the recruitment of innate immune cells.

Frontiers | Airway Exosomes Released During Influenza Virus Infection Serve as a Key Component of the Antiviral Innate Immune Response | Immunology

DMSO increases efficiency of genome editing at two non-coding loci

Anti-Vax & SO Proud

Just when I thought I’d heard the best anti-vax speakers and arguments that there are, I hear this lady!  Holy smokes, she’s on fire, I have to share it right now, even though I need to listen three more times at least, then rinse and repeat, so I can recite this wizard to every vaccine worshipper I meet!

So happy to meet, Amandha Vollmer, introduced through James True, who I keep talking about, because he keeps crushing.

If I had to claim a favorite presentation of the year so far, this would be it.  I’m armed with info and poetry from her words—the next sewing circle, campfire, swap meet, square dance, town hall meeting, potluck, trek, shop or queue—I’ll know just what to do.  And say!

And even if I only do one of those activities, because I’ll never wear a mask, I know I’m super infectious, by nature, so those experts say.  So you better watch out! 😉


Guillotine Gates

The man who invented the Guillotine—Joseph Guillotine—widely praised for his compassion.



The man who re-invented NOVEL vaccines, to save us all from certain death—Bill Gates—also widely praised for his compassion.

Weather Modification Matters

There’s a baffling disconnect between the world of science and mainstream society.  How many folks don’t realize weather modification ‘is A thing’ as the modern parlance goes.  It’s been a thing FOREVER!  It’s an enormous field of research and EXPERIMENTATION with its own conferences, journals, corporations, market speculations, and the usual establishment lies and manipulations that go with that crucial institutionalized status.

From the current President of the Journal of Weather Modification, who recently celebrated their 50th Anniversary:

“Another goal of mine was to increase the membership of the international community. This issue is still a work in progress, but with the help of some of our more prominent international members, I hope the tide will turn. Weather Modification IS an international activity and is ongoing across the globe in terms of operations projects and research. My hope, is that the international weather modification community is as equally as curious about the WMA as we are about them!”

Governments around the world don’t know about this thriving global industry?  The Australian government currently can’t find the technological or financial resources to cloud seed over their devastating fires?  The U.S. government isn’t benefitting from any of the myriad technologies for causing floods, droughts, tornadoes, hail, or prevention of such weather chaos?

According to the Journal of Environmental Management 

“Science communication is needed to inform risk perception and action of stakeholders”

And are we not all STAKEHOLDERS when it comes to our environment?


Science’s G.O.D=Magnetoreception?

Another post pondering and speculating on the Great Organizing Dynamic, and where science stands on the issue.

I realize I’m once again in way over my head, because even if I could understand all the formulas and lingos in these studies and articles, most of them I can’t obtain anyway without being part of an affiliated university or think tank or by paying hundreds of dollars each to subscribe to the various journals of officialdom.

I see I’m not alone in complaining about this fact and that many scientists agree and go for more ‘open source’ publishing options.

I see also I’m among a big crowd complaining about the lack of ethics in science publishing and research methodology.  There’s plenty of evidence of the lack of replication ability, questionable research parameters favoring certain outcomes, not to mention the ridiculous mainstream garbage that makes it down the pipeline to the general public.

Here’s a dirty little science secret: If you measure a large number of things about a small number of people, you are almost guaranteed to get a ‘statistically significant’ result. Our study included 18 different measurements—weight, cholesterol, sodium, blood protein levels, sleep quality, well-being, etc.—from 15 people. (One subject was dropped.) That study design is a recipe for false positives.”

Corbett Report: The Crisis of Science

What I noticed in the short abstracts and few articles I was able to read freely, was a lot of assuming, and not enough abstract observing.  Like in the following example:

First, the bees’ distance errors are similar in magnitude to their directional errors, and their angular errors decrease greatly with increasing distance to the target (decreasing more than fourfold between 100 and 700 m). As a result, the absolute scatter of recruits remains relatively constant with changing distance to the target (increasing by less than 50% between 100 and 700 m). This is to be expected if the optimal level of imprecision is the same for distance and direction and does not change with the distance of the target from the nest. Second, comparative studies involving three tropical- and one temperate-zone species (allApis)suggest that the precision of the bees’ languages may have been tuned in accordance with the spatial characteristics of the resources each species uses. We suggest that both the round dance, which conveys no directional information for nearby targets, and the high angular divergence in waggle dances indicating targets within several hundred meters of the colony are both understandable in this context.

“Distance errors,” “Directional errors,” “Imprecision”??  How would scientists have any clue at all whether the bee lines were in error when they know, admittedly, so very little about a bee colony’s social behavior?

In the following study, the parameters are so narrow and there are so many underlying assumptions it doesn’t seem to have much relevance to the layperson or even to industry, so I’m naturally curious, who funded the study and for what aims?

Honeybees have been trained to respond to very small changes in geomagnetic field intensity.

What about magnetoreception?  Their eyes and even their instruments can’t measure half of what’s going on in the bee brain, I’d be willing to bet the farm.

Wikipedia flat out lies that research on magnetoreception in humans is a brand new thing, as of this year, when in fact there was a groundbreaking book on the topic published in the mid-80s!

Wiki: “Humans are not thought to have a magnetic sense, but there is a protein (a cryptochrome) in the eye which could serve this function.[2] In 2019, a group of researchers have arguably provided the first concrete neuroscientific evidence that humans do have a geomagnetic sense.[3]”


Testing Human Subjects

Brains Register Magnetic Shifts, Subconsciously

“Our participants were all unaware of the magnetic field shifts and their brain responses. They felt that nothing had happened during the whole experiment – they’d just sat alone in dark silence for an hour. Underneath, though, their brains revealed a wide range of differences. Some brains showed almost no reaction, while other brains had alpha waves that shrank to half their normal size after a magnetic field shift.”

What might activate these sensors in humans? Here’s an interesting study Wiki seemed to miss, among others.

“The Earth’s geomagnetic field (GMF) is known to influence magnetoreceptive creatures, from bacteria to mammals as a sensory cue or a physiological modulator, despite it is largely thought that humans cannot sense the GMF. Here, we show that humans sense the GMF to orient their direction toward food in a self-rotatory chair experiment. Starved men, but not women, significantly oriented toward the ambient/modulated magnetic north or east, directions which had been previously food-associated, without any other helpful cues, including sight and sound. The orientation was reproduced under blue light but was abolished under a blindfold or a longer wavelength light (> 500 nm), indicating that blue light is necessary for magnetic orientation. Importantly, inversion of the vertical component of the GMF resulted in orientation toward the magnetic south and blood glucose levels resulting from food appeared to act as a motivator for sensing a magnetic field direction. The results demonstrate that male humans sense GMF in a blue light-dependent manner and suggest that the geomagnetic orientations are mediated by an inclination compass.

Blood glucose activates sensing magnetic direction

Finally, we investigated the mechanism by which different magnetic orientations was manifested among starved men, unstarved men, and women irrespective of starvation. An analysis of raw data (Fig 2A, 2C and 2D, Fig A in S2 Fig) demonstrated that magnetic north orientation was remarkable only in the food association sessions in starved men (Fig 4A, top, middle), in consistent with the result (Fig 2D)”

What might this line of study reveal about ‘debunked’ ancient sciences like gardening by moon phase, dowsing, astrology, lay lines, and so on?

Workin’ the Waggle

Continuing from my new line of questioning on this blog, Science’s G.O.D. (, or the Great Organizing Dynamic, here’s some more speculation.  Please volunteer any thoughts, facts, references, opinions—I’m really searching for direction and substance in this series of posts.

A bit of bee background:

The way honeybees communicate has been historically termed ‘the waggle dance’.  There are at least 9 different dances that have been observed and recorded. (v. FRISCH, 1965)

1) The round-dance is a call to search for food in all directions within a radius of 25 m.
2) The waggle-dance describes the direction of the destination in terms of the respective position of the sun and defines the distance.
3) The Rumpel-dance describes a conspicuous type of movement made by suc- cessfully returning foragers. They hastily make their way across the honey- comb, bumping into colony members and informing them that something is going on, e.g., that food is available.
4) The Ruck-dance is carried out by foragers that are emptying their honey sacs and involves intermittent, directed tail wagging. It serves more to indicate a general dancing mood than to impart any specific message.
5) The sickel-dance has been observed in every bee species (with one exception) in the transition between the round-dance and the waggle dance (figure-eight). The opening of the „sickel“ in the dance pattern denotes the direction to the feeding site.
6) The buzzing run is the sign to disperse. Scouts barge through the interlocked bees in the swarm in an undirected, zigzag course and audibly buzz their wings.
7) In the Putzlauf the bee shakes its body from one side to the other.
8) In the vibration-dance, one bee takes up contact with another, whereby it rapidly vibrates its abdomen. The meaning of this dance has not yet been deciphered, although their is strong evidence that it involves a communication form combining dance and acoustic signals.
9) Finally, the Zitter-dance is an expression of neurotic behavior and is disregarded by the surrounding bees. Research has shown it to be a result of a traumatic experience such as severe impact, poisoning, injury to appendages, or extreme state of alarm.

What researchers draw in copying these dance moves has been described as a ‘squished figure 8’.  More current research focuses on not only what can be observed visually, but precisely how their communication works acoustically.

The first time I saw the figure of this ‘squished figure 8’ drawn by my beginning beekeeping teacher, I recognized it, and being the diligent student I sometimes can be, I raised my hand and questioned, “You just drew a torus, the bees must be communicating through a toroidal field?  No one had any idea what I was talking about.


But I’ve got a strong sense that those who study UFOs know exactly what I’m talking about.

“The craft was able to displace gravity through the propagation of magnetic waves controlled by shifting the magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a propulsion system but the repulsion force of like charges.[p100]

raced among themselves to figure out how the craft could retain its electric capacity[p100]

The air force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned[101] just like a giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to achieve escape velocity from the earth’s gravity, and enabled it to achieve speeds of over seven thousand miles per hour.” [p101]


I’m not a scientist by any stretch, I’ve never been good at science, or math, or any technological field.  I could be completely wrong in trying to make this connection. 

But, I do think I’m right in assuming there are some far more intelligent minds out there who have also considered this connection. And I’d really like to find them.

The results indicate that the wagging run is the “master component” of the dance. The figure-of-eight dance path does not seem to convey information. Both sound and wagging must be present in the dance, but no specific roles were found for these components. Both sound and wagging convey information about distance and direction, and they appear to be largely redundant.”

Redundant?  Kinda like the bee version of ‘junk DNA’ the scientist have tried to sell us? Come on now.

It is also not known how the dance followers detect the dancer’s movements in the darkness of the hive where visual cues can not be used.”

The popular wisdom has been the bees communicate their navigation paths using the sun, but I’ve seen bees out foraging on overcast days and even in light rain.

Which makes me wonder, could the bees be demonstrating Ampere’s Law?

The magnetic field in space around an electric current is proportional to the electric current which serves as its source, just as the electric field in space is proportional to the chargewhich serves as its source. Ampere’s Law states that for any closed loop path, the sum of the length elements times the magnetic field in the direction of the length element is equal to the permeabilitytimes the electric current enclosed in the loop.

Yeah, I don’t get it either, but someone does!


Furthermore, do you think all this research is being done for the love of bees?  That’s what many bee-lovers believe, I’m sure.

Naïve folks think it’s all about making life easier, and more enjoyable for everyone, and learning all about the bees, just because they are fascinating creatures and honey is delicious and we all love nature. 


Sorry to try to burst that bubble once again, but the global military industrial complex doesn’t give a crap about your comfort, or the bees. They want better weapons.

Acoustic weapons are all the rage.  Simple high-intensity sound causes the inner ear to generate nerve impulses that register as sound. Since the inner ear also regulates spatial orientation, saturation of the inner ear by high-intensity sound may cause spatial disorientation. For example, loud music was used by American forces to drive Manual Norriega from the Vatican Embassy in Panama in 1990. High-intensity low-frequency sound may cause other organs to resonate, causing a number of physiological results, possibly including death. Acoustic weapons pose the hazard of being indiscriminate weapons, potentially imposing the same damage on friendly forces and noncombatants as on enemy combatants or other targets.”

Bees dropping from the sky confused around cell towers.  Hmmm . . .related?