GEO-ENGINEERING: ‘The Dimming’, New Feature-Length Geoengineering Documentary — RIELPOLITIK

Source – “…It slices and dices the insidious claims (usually made by the shills) of the lines in the sky being harmless condensation trails. It deftly and effectively explains the manipulation of atmospheric particles with electromagnetic energy. It exposes the disinformation tactics of the mainstream media. It compiles the extensive evidence proving that the […]

GEO-ENGINEERING: ‘The Dimming’, New Feature-Length Geoengineering Documentary — RIELPOLITIK

Geoengineering Resources: The Butterfly Effect

From the excellent book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project: second edition by Peter Kirby

Edward Teller (1908-2003) Known as “Father of the Hydrogen Bomb”


“Teller wrote and spoke about weather modification countless times. In his memoirs, Teller writes of, “putting 1 billion small floating spheres into the atmosphere.” We have noted how he wrote about spraying us with aluminum. In his book “The Legacy of Hiroshima he suggests the solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering thesis. In other words, he suggested spraying us with chemtrails many times. Teller served on the Panel on Weather and Climate Modification of the National Academy of Sciences where our good friend Gordon J.F. MacDonald was chairman. Teller once testified before the Senate Military Preparedness Committee that if Russia was first to control the weather on a global scale, then the United States could be beaten without war. Teller also told the committee that he wouldn’t be surprised if the Russians achieved global weather control in the relatively near future. Throughout his career, Teller used the Russian threat as a justification for more spending on weapons programs. In the example reproduced next, we see how Teller notes atmospheric ‘triggers.’ He’s writing about the notion that certain, relatively small atmospheric phenomena at certain points in space and time can create atmospheric chain reactions which eventually lead to large atmospheric phenomena such as storms. It is analogous to the so-called ‘butterfly effect.’ The butterfly effect is the notion that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in China can eventually cause a giant storm on Cape Cod. The thesis of atmospheric triggers is mentioned over and over again throughout”

“the weather modification literature in the same way Teller mentions it here. In order to control the weather, Teller and his peers suggested that these triggers be artificially created and/ or manipulated. The atmospheric trigger thesis is central to today’s NMP operations. In fact, it was during the course of his work in computer-simulated weather models when American mathematician Edward Lorenz coined the phrase and wrote about it in his paper “Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” Today’s NMP supercomputer atmospheric modeling systems are designed to be able to identify these triggers and predict their outcomes. Knowing the probable outcomes is how the people running the NMP know when and where to perform atmospheric manipulations. The National laboratory Teller co-founded and directed (Lawrence Livermore National Labs) has been at the forefront of supercomputer atmospheric modeling since early on and continues there today. Teller writes: “Before anything can be controlled, it first must be understood. We are just beginning to approach an understanding of weather. We know that very small causes can grow into very big effects. A slight disturbance of the air masses on the front separating the calm air of the poles from the steady westerly winds encircling the globe in temperate latitudes can trigger a whirlpool a thousand miles wide and can affect the weather over the United States for an entire week. We can and we should increase the number and range of our weather observations. We will use satellites and other means to keep track of clouds and winds. Then, using improved electronic computers, we shall be able to predict weather and trace the origin of each development back to its original trigger. “When this high degree of meteorological understanding has been attained, we might be able to create triggers of our own and realize the age-old dream of actually doing something about the weather. We might spread a cloud of dust over a strategic location [author’s emphasis] or find some other way to upset the temperature balance between air masses. We might break droughts. We might regulate the precise location and time where a hurricane arises, thus predetermining the place where the destructive winds would dissipate. “Such new command over nature will give us responsibilities beyond our present ability to imagine. When rain will be the servant of man, man must be the master of himself. Control of clouds will bring either conflict or co-operation between nations. The prospect may seem terrifying, but in the long run this situation or one similar to it will surely arise. Science brings progress; progress creates power;”

It is this layman’s opining that connects this now long dead, but very famous scientist with these current scientific studies:

Aerosols and seismo-ionosphere coupling: A review – ScienceDirect
This is a study about “electromagnetic plasma drift” which I believe is what is meant by the “butterfly effect”.

Defects formation and spiral waves in a network of neurons in presence of electromagnetic induction | SpringerLink
A study about spiral waves as pattern in nature which are powerfully affecting the human heart.

The Climatic Effects of Hygroscopic Growth of Sulfate Aerosols in the Stratosphere – Krishnamohan – 2020 – Earth’s Future – Wiley Online Library

Black carbon dominates the aerosol absorption over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayan foothills – ScienceDirect

Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project: second edition by Peter Kirby

“Charles E. Jones III is a retired US Air Force brigadier general who served continuously in the Air Force and Air Force Reserve from 1954 to 1986. He has written a short piece acknowledging the reality of chemtrails. Jones writes: “When people look up into the blue and see white trails paralleling and criss-crossing high in the sky little do they know that they are not seeing aircraft engine contrails, but instead they are witnessing a man made climate engineering crisis”

Geoengineering Resources

I’m adding a new page to our wee homesteading blog dedicated completely to: Weather modification, climate remediation, climate change, global warming—or whatever the science and corporate spinners are calling it this week.

Here I’ll be posting links, quoting/reviewing books and articles, and including commentary about this crucial and controversial topic, while trying to cut through at least some of the propaganda around my favorite “conspiracy theory” subject: The Weather.

The posts move from this main page to a permanent side page on our site so they can be found again more easily.

We start with a couple of primers from the amazing sites and research of Jim Lee.

Geoengineering Resources: Vermont Independent

(Disclaimer: I’ve cherry-picked quotes I like from this excellent and well-researched article and recommend a complete reading. However, politically, the final paragraphs I find off-putting, short-sighted and propaganda-driven.  I did not find this to deter from the substance of the main thesis.)

The Age of Geoengineering: Breaking the Sorcerer’s Spell (OGE LAUNCH) – Vermont Independent

Directly from the Article:

“One purpose of this essay is therefore perhaps unavoidably therapeutic: I wish to help promote an integration of two scientific communities, or more precisely, to persuade the cheery Dr. Jekyll to recognize his alter ego, the dark and mysterious Mr. Hyde, and to do so within plain sight of the entire global climate-change science and activist community. Why? Because until this self-reckoning happens no good will come of Dr. Jekyll’s supposedly benign schemes to deal with Earth’s climate. The clever and above all determined Mr. Hyde, an inveterate national security warrior, will use such schemes for his own anachronistic national security ends. He always has. And history demonstrates these ends do not servethe benefit of all humanity.

The dawn of the Age of Geoengineering: The Sorcerer’s apprentices at play

During WW II “a revolution took place, one that was initiated and sustained not so much by the military as by science,” according to historian Kathleen Williams. Immediately after the war, “Military stimulation of science and technology became institutionalized” and the “Cold War ensured the military funding of science would continue…changing both academic science and the military.”[12]Sixty years ago the writer Robert Jungk noted: “In the universities, once homes of free speech throughout the world, the spirit of secrecy took possession.”[13]The Department of Defense (DoD) alone has accounted for “nearly 70 percent of all government funds directed towards research and development” of basic scientific knowledge.[14]The 350-year tradition of independent, individual investigation of nature and matter gave way to the era of ‘Big Science’, meaning scientific research with big, government-funded budgets. Big Science unequivocally included weather and climate modification, as well as other forms of geoengineering, all of which have been invariably cloaked in secrecy. And “secrecy always lowers the standard of environmental accountability”[15]— not to mention democratic accountability.

Earth’s atmosphere consists of several layers, each significantly related to the other, from the lowest layer, the troposphere, where the air we breathe and the weather we experience occurs, to the stratosphere, which also holds the ozone layer, to the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and finally the exosphere, which shades into outer space. The ionosphere stretches from the mesosphere through the thermosphere and into the lower reaches of the exosphere, from 31 to 621 miles above Earth. It was this region that drew the military’s fiery curiosity: how could it be influenced, what were its secrets, and powers?

After Argus, Starfish, and West Ford, research on the ionosphere proceeded apace with construction of a worldwide network of radio frequency transmitters, and later ionospheric heaters, in the US, Canada, Norway, Greenland, Australia, Puerto Rico, and Peru, in partnership with what the National Academy of Sciences calls the “ionospheric modification (IM) community”[35]of major research universities and institutes working in cooperation with the Pentagon. Research also continued in the Soviet Union. “Atmospheric modification experiments,” Dr. Bertell informs us, “can be categorized as either chemical [aerosols] or wave [electromagnetic] related.”[36]The ionosphere is an “active electrical shield protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of high-energy particles from space” and probing it with radio waves has led to the understanding that a “strong electrical coupling exists between the ionosphere and the lower atmosphere.”[37]IM community research has led to many discoveries useful to the military for global over-the-horizon communications, earth-penetrating tomography (also useful to fossil-fuel and other mining companies), surveillance, and weather or climate modification, among other purposes.[38]

Ever since the early days of Project Cirrus weather modification has been both weaponized and commercialized. Since the early 1970s over sixty countries[43]and most US western states have used weather modification technology to manipulate their weather, programs that almost certainly have had and continue to have an as yet unspecified effect on the planet’s overall climate. One region’s or one country’s drought becomes another’s flood, and one’s rain, a neighbor’s drought. The artificial weather seamlessly becomes the artificial climate. Thousands of regional weather modifications made over the past 65 years, such as the UK’s Project Cumulus (1949–1955)[44]and the US’s Project Skywater (1961–1988),[45]have collectively impacted the world’s meteorological and hydrological cycles in ways that remain largely unclarifiedand ignored by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, and IPCC climate modelers.

In the 1950s and early 1960s climate change geoengineering proposals in both the US and Soviet Union were oriented toward causing global warming for the benefit of human activity, with the melting of the Arctic then the glittering jewel on the geoengineer’s horizon, and a prospect devoutly hoped for by Soviet geoengineers and planners.[60](One fifth of Russia’s territory lies north of the Arctic Circle and includes an Arctic-frontier coastline thousands of miles long.) This original or early orientation of geoscientists has been quietly maintained for decades despite the ever-growing consensus about global warming, and has been funded by the big energy companies who have been wedged inside the great climate change debate since its inception.[61]In a March 25, 2012 letter to The EconomistMatt Andersson, an aerospace executive and intelligence industry consultant, bluntly stated: “The public and press are largely uninformed (and misled) as to the actual Geo-engineering operations being conducted by military and certain cooperating commercial interests to effectively ‘melt’ the arctic for naval navigation and resource extraction.”[62]

The pioneering journalists who covered the early chemtrails story from 1999 to 2005 also reported that individual citizens collected post-spray rainwater samples and had them tested by independent laboratories in several countries throughout the Western world. These tests showed elevated levels of aluminum and barium most frequently, but also many other toxic elements such as strontium, thorium, copper, titanium, arsenic, lithium, boron, iron, sodium, calcium, lead, selenium, magnesium, chromium, and cadmium, among others as well as strange gels, polymers, and a variety of microorganisms. Post-spray rainwater tests have been conducted throughout the world, most commonly in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.[97]

In the decades since the Vietnam War the state’s and corporate media’s appropriation of the term “conspiracy theorist” has cast a pall over the search for truth about the exercise of power, and especially the state’s covert exercise of its military, intelligence, and technological prowess. This has profoundly colored the search for answers about the military’s ongoing geoengineering activities because secret operations are classified, hence unprovable by standard criteria, and thus remain invisible to the public. Accusations that cannot be verified because of classified information can be safely dismissed withplausibledenial. The doctrine of plausible deniability was specifically adopted by the US government at the outset of the Cold War in 1948: “‘covert operations’ are understood to be all activities…so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them.”[112]

The Russian physicist and Nobel laureate Peter Kapitsa wrote of the change that came over science on the eve of WW II: “[T]he happy days of free scientific work…disappeared forever” and science “lost her freedom. She has become a productive force. She has become rich, but she has become enslaved” to governments, war, and commerce, and she is “veiled in secrecy.”[229]After the war diverse writers could claim that science had become, in the words of historian James Fleming, “a prominent and permanent part of all modern militaries,” and that the links between them “in perspectives, personnel, values, budgets, [and] scale…have grown inexorably over the years” with a consequent “militarization of the natural world.”[230]

Science’s “loss” of a “deeply rooted set of ethical beliefs”[231]was compensated by a vast increase in scientists’ social status and political power: “[T]here broods over them a mythological identity” that serves to ensure them a “supremacy within our culture,” and “envisages them as the new Prometheus pitted against the hostile forces of nature,”[232]uniquely serving humanity. Roszak asks if science is “to be pardoned on the grounds it has that it has systematically taught our society to regard knowledge as a thing apart from wisdom.” Such “alienated knowing is, sooner or later, ecologically disastrous knowing.”[233]

Hot, But Not Bothered

It’s dry and scalding hot here and no, it’s not natural or normal, it’s geoengineering.

We got the rainbow, but not the rain. What’s up with that?

We’re trying to stay cool, but the heavy metal nanoparticulates in the air magnify the intensity of the sun’s heat and I’m sure the ionospheric heaters don’t help either.  But apparently a small percentage of mankind will not be happy until they control every aspect of our world and the weather is right up there at the top of their long list of micromanagement agendas.

Like pets, the rest of us are left to accept and adjust to their incessant meddling.


Problems breathing? Chronic allergies?  Memory loss?  Lack of energy?  Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll make a pill for that, if they haven’t already.  Pay no attention to that crazy, hazy sky.

When the apathy and ignorance of the populace weigh too heavily and the sociopathic power brokers have crossed yet another line in my sandbox, I marvel at the strength, determination, ingenuity and resilience of nature and I reignite my High Hopes.

Here’s one such example I wanted to share, with my sincere apologizes that it was not filmed in a cleaner space!

And here’s to those High Hopes!

Interviewed by Crrow777

This is a revisit from over a year ago, because, I still really love these guys.  I was nervous as all hell, I can hear it clearly in my voice, they were the smooth professionals at every level, trying to help me along.

What a humbling pleasure it is and was to have had the opportunity to be honest and awkward before two real gentlemen doing their best to make me look good!

The present crisis is no mystery to them, or to us here on the wee homestead.  This is what we’ve been preparing for and maybe now a few more understand how crucial is self-reliance and local sovereignty.  I repost it because I suspect more will be understanding now how much we need to get back to basics.

Never been a better time to get growing! 🙂

Weather Modification Info Flows

Finally!  This courageous wizard of a man has found a way to get the information about geoengineering/weather modification to flow upstream and downstream with his mountains of material soon to be complied into one enormous website from three separate ones of over a decade of research.  He’s one seriously impressive dude!

It all starts with awareness.  I hope y’all will check him out, and spread his wealth far and wide.

Or, if you don’t have 30 minutes to spare and share, how ‘bout a song?  Do you really want technology controlling our weather?

Are You Qualified?

Howdy, East Texas farmers and ranchers, or even gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts, ready for your Fall Gentle RainStorm Special? We’ve got it, right here, right now.

I know there’s drought!  I know you are sick of it! Hurry now, limited time offer!

Contact me, at Kensho Rain Suppliers, middleman to all those marvelous weather supplying cooperations currently NOT serving YOU! We will organize our  (CPP) Community Precipitation Professionals against the Big Storm Lobby, and for your Gentle Smooth rain experience. Count on it!

There’s still time to get your FALL crops in before the U.N.NOAA scheduled WEATHER WHIPLASH! Hurry, before time is up!

I work with ALL the biggest suppliers, to SAVE YOU time, money, and headache dealing with undocumented rain suppliers who don’t deliver.  Never waste your $$ again, GO with the BEST, the OLDEST, since 2020, you know it BABY!




Adjusting to Insanity

“The world is your playground.” 
Translation: Anyone can spray anything they want right over your house and garden, for any reason whatsoever. They don’t even have to tell you who or why or when.

Nestlé can divert your town’s river and Monsanto can sue you for magically yet inadvertently and unwillingly using the wind to pollinate your corn with their seeds’ pollen.

The world is your playground as long as no one else wants to play where you’re playing or anywhere close by.  Grin and bear it.


“You live in the land of milk and honey.”
Addendum: Milk, ultra-pasteurized, and honey filled with glyphosate, brought to you in toxic containers, that you pay for, and then pay to ‘dispose of’, then pay to detoxify disposal area.  You’re welcome.

photo of plastic bottles
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

“Jesus loves you.”  His love will save you.  If you surrender to him obediently.  Don’t ask.  Brought to you by: King James.

Love conquers ALL! Brought to you by: NAMBLA (North-American Man-Boy Love Association)


“Uncle Sam wants you.
That is, f
rom cradle to grave, in his schools, on his battlefields, suffering in his hospitals, working for his corporate affiliations or his militaries, paying him taxes for the right to work, eat, breath, marry, breed, poop and die.

black and white cemetery christ church
Photo by Pixabay on

Don’t worry, be happy.
That’s an order.  Now, repeat. If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror.  If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror 10 times every day.  If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror 10 times every day, with the help of this pill.  If that doesn’t work, meditate.  Hormone therapy.  Or there’s always yoga.  A social club.  A new hobby.  A face lift.  A lover.  An ashram.  A guru.  Divorce.  New job.  New career. Move to the country.  Move to the city.

Fake it till you make it.

All the world’s a stage.  Shakespeare said that.  He was actually a they and they were a team of lifetime actors and social engineers.
