Unpacking the Hustle

When unpacking the role of the hustle in modern American life, it helps to start with some categories.  So far, I’ve found three.  There’s the GoodSort, the BadSort, and the AssSort.

I haven’t seen the latest film of that name, but it looks to be of the modern AssSort. This plot has never been done, I’m sure.  Except constantly for the previous 50 years or so.

Here’s an old example of the AssSort: Social programming your parents and grandparents to never grow up.

Here’s an example of the BadSort: Another profitable small farm being fleeced to death by taxes and regulations.

And to end on an inspirational note, the GoodSort: Another angry woman taking serious and righteous action, to the very end, if need be.

Upgrade to Vocation

I like the old adage: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”  I think it’s true.  I’ve actually said it before to Handy Hubby and it makes for a pretty effective guilting tool.

But there’s an equally true non-adage I think to be more fitting to most folks in this country currently:  All play and no work makes Jack a jackass.”

Don’t get me wrong please.  I do know there’s plenty of fine folks working multiple meaningless jobs just to keep their family afloat.  I’m not talking about them.  I’m also not talking about those who are seriously mentally and physically suffering, because there’s plenty of those folks around, too.

But I do mean those of us who are in the majority, like me, relatively mildly mentally and physically suffering, still able to get up each day and do stuff.

Here’s my point.  There are three main stages in life between birth and death as far as I can tell so far.  It begins with Service to Self (infancy, childhood, adolescence), it moves to Service to Others (family, friends, community), and these stage are both motivated primarily by a ‘will to power’.  Then, as the third and most crucial stage, we mature into Service to the Greater Good.

Bush’s answer to Americans when starting another insane war was: “Go shopping!”  Hillary Clinton claimed: “We have a huge fun deficit in America.” They were appealing to Service to Self.  

JFK’s famous quote, encouraging to his future Peace Corps volunteers for decades to come, was an appeal to Service to Others:Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

This is where too many of us are getting stuck.  And our rulers have designed it this way quite deliberately.

The coup d’état in slow motion we are witnessing unfold now at a rapidly increasing clip has been in the works for many generations.

“Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing.  Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression.  But in Huxley’s vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history.  As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacity to think.”  Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985)

Instead of wisdom years filled with . . .well . . . wisdom, we’ve got Alzheimer’s and chronic fatigue, and a dozen and one other ailments of mind, body and spirit.

The middle aged and elderly, those still healthy enough to have a life, are devoting it to a retirement filled with meaningless pursuits—gambling, cruises, the Shopping Network, or latest sport, game or craft craze, looping right back into Service to Self or Service to Others, without ever maturing into the final, and by far most crucial, stage of life.

Without our wise elders we are doomed as a culture and a society.  We don’t need them getting plastic surgery and posting their new faces and evening dining choices on social media.  We need them learning from their mistakes, seeing reality through the lifetime of a mature adult, sharing their hardest lessons as well as their greatest gifts.  We need them to realize it’s not a popularity contest anymore, to take off the masks once in a while, to call out the bullshit they see, to relentlessly speak truth to power, and truth to youth.

Retirement should not mean a decade or two of crossword puzzles and golf.  Service to the Greater Good—that means greater than self and others. Not following orders, not following trends, following the highest calling of the divine Self—the vocation— the will to meaning.  It’s not ‘do what you love and the money will come’ it’s ‘do what matters, beyond the money, beyond the need for approval.’

Without examples of this, with so few mature adults modeling this 3rd stage, what do we expect to happen?

Do most of us in middle age now have examples of wise elders in our lives?  I have a few, but that’s only because I consistently seek them out.  I’d say the majority don’t even know what a vocation is, they see the ‘o’ as an ‘a’.

In fact, a vocation is far more precious.  It’s the secret garden where your skill, your joy, your wisdom, and the humble desire for a better future to leave behind, all magically coincide.  It’s the sweet spot of life’s greatest magic that only you can offer.  It’s the quilt, or the tapestry, or the garden, or the painting, rainbow, symphony—whatever metaphor suits you most— as the scene moves from seemingly random splotches of design and craft, to the point where the image takes shape at last, nearly ready for show and tell.  

It’s your life as the willed ephemeral expression of the divine.


But so many are missing this, as it’s been systematically stolen and replaced by entertainment, endless material pursuits, silly vanity, diversions of the Order of Bread and Circus, that if I were a kid today I’d be saying: “Grow up, Grandpa!”

Are You Qualified?

Howdy, East Texas farmers and ranchers, or even gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts, ready for your Fall Gentle RainStorm Special? We’ve got it, right here, right now.

I know there’s drought!  I know you are sick of it! Hurry now, limited time offer!

Contact me, at Kensho Rain Suppliers, middleman to all those marvelous weather supplying cooperations currently NOT serving YOU! We will organize our  (CPP) Community Precipitation Professionals against the Big Storm Lobby, and for your Gentle Smooth rain experience. Count on it!

There’s still time to get your FALL crops in before the U.N.NOAA scheduled WEATHER WHIPLASH! Hurry, before time is up!

I work with ALL the biggest suppliers, to SAVE YOU time, money, and headache dealing with undocumented rain suppliers who don’t deliver.  Never waste your $$ again, GO with the BEST, the OLDEST, since 2020, you know it BABY!




THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Jet-Setting Eco-Pious High Priest’s Proclaim “…Drastic Climate Action Needed Now! — RIELPOLITIK

It’s a start! 🙂

Source – guerrilla-capitalism.com – “…As the din of climate hysteria grows ever louder, the eco-pious and super-rich call for immediate and drastic action on climate change…if we banned private jets, it would only affect the tiny sliver at the top of the wealth pyramid, the same ones who seem most vociferously adamant on drastic climate […]

via THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Jet-Setting Eco-Pious High Priest’s Proclaim “…Drastic Climate Action Needed Now! — RIELPOLITIK

Adjusting to Insanity

“The world is your playground.” 
Translation: Anyone can spray anything they want right over your house and garden, for any reason whatsoever. They don’t even have to tell you who or why or when.

Nestlé can divert your town’s river and Monsanto can sue you for magically yet inadvertently and unwillingly using the wind to pollinate your corn with their seeds’ pollen.

The world is your playground as long as no one else wants to play where you’re playing or anywhere close by.  Grin and bear it.


“You live in the land of milk and honey.”
Addendum: Milk, ultra-pasteurized, and honey filled with glyphosate, brought to you in toxic containers, that you pay for, and then pay to ‘dispose of’, then pay to detoxify disposal area.  You’re welcome.

photo of plastic bottles
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

“Jesus loves you.”  His love will save you.  If you surrender to him obediently.  Don’t ask.  Brought to you by: King James.

Love conquers ALL! Brought to you by: NAMBLA (North-American Man-Boy Love Association)


“Uncle Sam wants you.
That is, f
rom cradle to grave, in his schools, on his battlefields, suffering in his hospitals, working for his corporate affiliations or his militaries, paying him taxes for the right to work, eat, breath, marry, breed, poop and die.

black and white cemetery christ church
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Don’t worry, be happy.
That’s an order.  Now, repeat. If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror.  If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror 10 times every day.  If that doesn’t work, repeat in front of mirror 10 times every day, with the help of this pill.  If that doesn’t work, meditate.  Hormone therapy.  Or there’s always yoga.  A social club.  A new hobby.  A face lift.  A lover.  An ashram.  A guru.  Divorce.  New job.  New career. Move to the country.  Move to the city.

Fake it till you make it.

All the world’s a stage.  Shakespeare said that.  He was actually a they and they were a team of lifetime actors and social engineers.



GEO-ENGINEERING: ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ & Weather Modification Technologies — RIELPOLITIK

“And on and on the article lurches from “explanation” to “explanation”, all of it sounding very “scientific,” and with but one end in view: to make people grasp at “climate” change, and that it is all “human-caused.” What they don’t want to talk about is which humans are causing that change. And therein lies the rub, for the omission from the discussion of geophysical engineering technologies – of which weather modification technologies are a subset – constitutes a material omission of the first and highest order. One can only assume, therefore, that See BS’s explanation is either a case of simply not knowing about it, and hence that it’s “journalism” and “research” are incredibly slipshod and suspect, or that its material omission is deliberate, which wouldn’t surprise me one little bit; the network’s role in the Clowns In America’s “Mighty Wurlitzer” mockingbird media from the 1950s to the 1970s was alleged in the 1970s and has been a subject of a few studies since.”


Source – gizadeathstar.com – “…These technologies, to put it as succinctly as possible, are designed to increase the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, and are to be used in conjunction with weather modification technologies such as HAARP, which according to its own patent, could be used as a weather manipulation and modification technology, and to […]

via GEO-ENGINEERING: ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ & Weather Modification Technologies — RIELPOLITIK

GEO-ENGINEERING: Still Think There’s No Such Thing as Weather Modification & Manipulation? — RIELPOLITIK

Source – gizadeathstar.com – “…Under Teramobile, a French-German collaboration of CNRS in France and DFG in Germany that involves five research institutes. By firing an ultrashort, ultra-intense laser into the sky, they are investigating nonlinear propagation of such femtosecond terawatt laser pulses over long distances in the atmosphere and their application to atmospheric research. The […]

via GEO-ENGINEERING: Still Think There’s No Such Thing as Weather Modification & Manipulation? — RIELPOLITIK

Weather Modification Matters III

Another miserable weather week in East Texas, minimized, normalized, joked about by the manipulating, gaslighting and flat-out lying mainstream news and weather turds.

The sun is scorching like it’s in a microwaved atmosphere, because it is in a microwaved atmosphere.  The daytime temps are in the 90s endlessly while they still call this ‘fall’.  We’ve had no significant rain for months, even when there was just a tropical storm two hours south of us dumping feet of rain on select areas.  The nighttime temperatures are still over 70, humid and not at all normal, and I wake up smelling disgusting fumes in the overcast and stifling morning air.

Yet we still have nitwit ‘experts’ claiming the weather is fine.  I’d like to find out what they’re smoking, because it’s WAY better than what I’ve got, obviously.

Please excuse my bad attitude, but these days it’s really tough to decide who annoys me more—the fat turds corroding our world in blankets of toxic chemicals, or the lazy turds who say it’s all natural and normal, or the greedy, selfish turds getting rich off all the lies.

In case you are as frustrated as I am and would like to hear a bit of truth each day, here are a few places you can still find it, for a limited time only I’m sure, if the master manipulators continue to have their way.


CIA and CFR Work Together to Destroy Truth —

An excellent article and very telling graphic.


Early last year, the Swiss Propaganda Research center (SPR) published information cementing into place something many of us already know—the “mainstream” corporate media is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. “It is no secret that over the last 4 decades, mainstream media has been consolidated from dozens of competing companies to only six,” writes…

via CIA and CFR Work Together to Destroy Truth —

Weather Modification Matters II

Relevant Quotes from Scientific/Academic Papers

Journal of Environment, Geography and Earth Science International July 13, 2018

“Conclusions: The U. S. military’s ongoing decision to weaponize the environment for national security purposes was accurately forecasted by MacDonald. But he failed to realize that national militaries could and would be co-opted by a secret international agreement the consequence of which, however unintentional, was to wage war on planet Earth, on all its biota, and on its natural, biogeochemical processes. Unless and until politicians, news media, scientists, and others in our society face the truth of what is happening before their very eyes and collectively demand a halt to these covert technological activities, we will march onward – to the first anthropogenic-caused mass extinction.”


Abstract: Fundamental Climate Science Error: Concomitant Harm to Humanity and the Environment

“The climate science community (CSC) has misrepresented climate change, falsely claiming carbon dioxide causes global warming, and developing computer models of Earth’s radiation balance without taking into consideration the tropospheric particulate geoengineering that has been taking place for several decades, thus rendering invalid those models and their interpretations. The CSC misunderstands the science underlying particulate pollution in the troposphere, typically maintaining that aerosolized particulates cool the Earth. As described here, pollution particles, including those jet-sprayed into the region where clouds form, reflect some radiation, but also absorb radiation and become heated. The heat is transferred to the surrounding atmosphere, thus increasing its temperature. The increased atmospheric temperature causes loss of heat-transfer efficiency by convection from Earth’s surface, and concomitant reduction of Earth’s heat loss. Climate science has been corrupted and coerced by military, commercial, and globalist political agendas.”


An Open Letter to Members of AGU, EGU, and IPCC Alleging Promotion of Fake Science at the Expense of Human and Environmental Health and Comments on AGU Draft Geoengineering Position Statement [1]

J. Marvin Herndon (AGU Member No. 10195343; EGU Member No. 144380) ©2017Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. mherndon@san.rr.com

“I have been a member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for 45 years. During that time I have published fundamental scientific advances in world-class science journals [2]. In 2011 the AGU established its Task Force on Scientific Ethics and Integrity and invited input from its members. On February 2, 2012, I responded [3] with a fundamental statement on scientific ethics and integrity: “Scientists are persons of integrity: They stand for what is right. They tell the truth and ensure that the full truth be known. They do not lie.” In that response I gave specific examples of egregious ethical transgressions by such AGU “luminaries” as Medal of Science awardee Don Anderson. Two weeks later the chairman of that task force, Peter Gleick, resigned in disgrace over his own ethical transgression, nationally reported.

Numerous AGU members along with members of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the European Geosciences Union (EGU) have been involved in failing to tell the full truth about climate change. These scientists promote the claim that greenhouse gases, most especially anthropogenic carbon dioxide, are responsible for global warming. They remain silent about the consequences of the daily, near-global aerosol geoengineering that has been taking place since at least the 1990s with growing scope and intensity [4]. Failure to discuss this massive global anthropogenic phenomenon not only negates the validity of these scientists’ assertions about climate change, but, I allege, makes those individuals, and their associated institutions, party to the biggest science scam ever perpetrated. And, as well, party to an activity many may consider to be a crime against humanity and the environment [5]. 

For 70 years the military interest in controlling the weather has been thoroughly documented [6]. Military experiments advanced from causing rain and snow to inhibiting rainfall by emplacing pollution particles into the atmosphere where clouds form. Eventually, the atmosphere becomes too moisture-laden and torrential rains and storms result. The net effect of the now near-daily, near-global ongoing covert geoengineering activity of emplacing pollution particles into the atmosphere is to contribute to global warming. While some sunlight is reflected back into space by aerosols, the deliberately spread pollution particles also heat the atmosphere and impede heat loss from Earth [4]. The albedo of snow and ice is lowered by certain particulates when they fall to Earth. There is, furthermore, evidence of a covert operation to deliberately melt ice by dispersing pseudo-cryoconite material [7].

Climate science that does not take into account the ongoing aerosol geoengineering activities can rightly be deemed immoral — by omission, lies are deliberately perpetuated. Such a dishonest effort to understand the climate is like trying to understand and predict ocean tides without considering the existence and gravitational influence of the Moon.”

Weather-Worlds of the Anthropocene and the End of Climate

“But set against this notion of the weather as immune from human agency is a long history of human actions altering the weather, of people in effect ‘cultivating’ the skies. Human capabilities to shape and re- make their environments have gradually extended from the forests, land and seas so that they now also encompass the atmosphere.

This ‘weather cultivation’ in the past commonly occurred on micro-scales, modifying local weather through tree-planting or irrigation. It has occurred both inadvertently and advertently. Weather cultivation has been undertaken often modestly and pragmatically but also, on occasions, with hubristic economic or military intent12. And increasingly it has emerged from human activities operating across larger- scales. These weather modification practices have included, inter alia, animal domesticating, forest clearing, swamp draining, dam building, city building, roof- whitening, fire burning, desert irrigating, cannon-firing, cloud seeding, coal burning, and so on. The frequency and scale of these human practices have grown alongside the rise of industrial capitalism and complex institutional structures. It has therefore become less and less possible to claim unthinkingly that all adverse weather is ‘an act of God’ (13). Rather than seeing the atmosphere as the domain of the gods, the weather must increasingly be understood as an extension of the human. People and their cultural artefacts and practices become weathered, yes; people continually find new ways of living with their weather and its dangers and bounties. But, conversely, the weather becomes cultivated; it increasingly bears the imprints of human cultural activity often reflecting powerful political, economic and technological interests.”


To be continued . . .

Question: Hail repression and Cloud Seeding are two of the oldest methods of weather modification boasted about widely since the 1960s.  Yet, we have more and larger hail and more and longer droughts in East Texas.  Why?
